Due at Registration:

¤ıCompleted Registration Forms
   - Includes the photocopy of immunization records and Alberta Health Care Card
   - Please keep us informed of any changes in the forms
¤ıRegistration Fee : $150
   - A deposit is required to secure your child’s spot.
   - The deposit fee will be cash or a cheque dated on the registration day and applied to the last
     month’s tuition

Financial Policies

¤ıMonthly  fees are due on the first operating day of each month
   - All post-dated cheques are deposited on the first banking day of each month.
¤ıNo refunds will be given for days not attended (e.g. illness, holidays, etc.).
¤ıOne full month written notice of withdrawal must be given in advance of the withdrawal date.
¤ıParents are responsible for handing in subsidy/ subsidy renewal forms immediately to the subsidy office
  and providing the centre with an approval letter.