
Arrival and Departure

€ęParents/Guardians must 
   - escort their child to and from the classroom 
   - sign their child in/out when dropping off/ picking up 
   - notify the office at least early in the morning if their child will be late or unable to attend.

Child Guidance Policy

€ęWe are committed to providing a positive experience for the children entrusted to our care.
    For promoting  positive behaviour and responding properly to behaviour problems,
    our discipline policy is as follows

    - Make consequences of behaviours clear. 
    - Give children sufficient time to practice new rules. 
    - Reinforce appropriate behaviour by praising or rewarding the child. 
    - Encourage the sense of independence and collaboration by providing children with opportunity
       to do things for themselves and participate in group activities.
    - Set positive role models for children to follow.
€ęWe believe in positive discipline followed by logical consequences. Therefore, any type of
   corporal   punishment, verbal or physical degradation and emotional deprivation are not
   permitted in our program.

Child’s Sickness

€ęIn the event that a child becomes sick with the following symptoms, the parents will be
   contacted to come   and pick the child up:

   - If any child vomits more than twice
   - If any child has diarrhoea more than two times in a row
   - If any child has a fever of more than 100 F° or 38 C°
   - If any child develops an unexplained rash
   - If any child complains of sore throat, ear ache or stomach upset
   - If any child has an alarming cough
   - If any child is lethargic

Financial Policy
Monthly fees are due on the first operating day of each month:
- No refunds will be given for days not attended.
- Full monthly tuition is required irrespective of days missed for vacation, illness or holidays.
   The monthly tuition covers both actual care and the guaranteed space. Credit will not be given
   for any missed days.
- Forms of payment currently accepted are cash, cheque (dated on the registration day) or email
   money transfer.
- When your child ages up to the next age group, tuition will change on the 1st of the
   following month after the age up occurs

Subsidy is available for eligible families (www.child.gov.ab.ca/childcaresubsidy)